summer is heereee
what are you waiting for?
Things to do within 16 days of complete slack-dom; checklist.
+ Sleepover of H's. Burger King Birthday. A house visit. Farewells.
+ Sleepover at Muaither at least one day.
+ Mariott hotel, watch The Masquerade.
+ Learn at least 5 recipes of dishes.
+ Get a haircut.
+ FANGIRL MARATHON with dhethrai and peeps.
+ Talk with parents more.
+ Sushi Minto birthday treat deal.
+ Redecorate room.
+ Learn Son Dam Bi's On Saturday Night; Perfect Mirotic Dance; Learn In Line Dance; Learn Wrong Number steps.
+ Lose weight.
+ Personality polishment.
+ Shop.
+ Get contacts before prom.
and i'm sure i wouldn't be able to do all that.
♥ 7:15 AM
so today i bought this body spray in carefour. very countertop but it doesn't burn my nose so i don't see anything wrong on buying it.
what's so special about it?
well, apart from it's pungent relaxa-like sweet smell, it also have...

a very conveniently titled bottle.
'forever love', my fellow dongbangshiki fans, you will know what i meant.
can be argued that i spent a good 6.84 riyals just for the title.
i can be eccentric like that.
;a glimpse of light aftera dull day
a glimpse of my study corner in my room.
&no matter what i do, all i think about is you..
♥ 7:23 AM
andin's note;
this entry is inspired and dedicated to Tresa Zen, the awesome girl who gave me everything I wanted for my birthday -minus the wrong scaling of the presents.

even after a year, you're still taller than me.
So I don't get why people call their sixteen birthdays 'sweet sixteen'. It probably is in some places when you're legal to drive and do other things you can't do when you're not sixteen yet. But when you're in a country with 40 degree plus celcius air and you can't drive until you're 21, sixteen is like thirteen all over again. Plus, when your birthday is on exam month, you can kiss sweet sixteen birthday bash thingimabobs goodbye, because- everyone will be too busy to study to come.
However, there are some things that make this so called sixteenth birthday I had four days ago slightly memorable.

ice cream from my dearest summer, car, spaceey and shaz the mouth spaz
thank you guys, it was great<3

wallet from my dearest duckbutt, plus mirror
last but not least, tresa zen, my girrafe who hates pinapple who gave me ALL the things in my list. she gets big love and a yamada in a box on her next birthday from me.
i think noodle houses's take away container is so typical-american-chinese-take-out-ish that i decided to eat my noodle out of it directly.
& happy birthday, happy birthday, happy birthday to you.
♥ 6:24 AM